Arnold Omelet Recipe

Arnold Omelet

Arnold Omelet Arnold Omelet is another Unique recipe for breakfast or Brunch. Arnold Omelet has a unique taste and aroma as it has very unique ingredients.

Ingredients Required:

  • Eggs: 3
  • The meat of a steamed fish: 4 ounce
  • Fresh cream: half cup
  • Cheese (crushed): 2 ounce
  • Oil: 2 ounce
  • Salt and pepper: to taste

Cooking Directions:

  1. Heat one-ounce oil or butter and fry little pieces of fish and two tablespoons of cream on high heat.
  2. Let it cool.
  3. Separate three egg yolks and beat after adding a tablespoon of cream.
  4. Add salt and pepper too.
  5. Beat egg whites well and add in the beaten yolks.
  6. Now add fried fish.
  7. Heat 1 ounce oil in a pan and spread the batter.
  8. When it is golden brown underneath, remove from the pan and sprinkle cheese on the top.
  9. Put under the heated grill and remove it when it is cooked from the top. 
  10. Serve hot.

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