Beef and Vegetable Recipe

Savor the flavorful pleasure of juicy steak combined with colorful, crunchy veggies in this mouthwatering meal. Perfectly marinated succulent pieces of beef impart a deep, flavorful taste with every bite. Combining a variety of vibrant veggies of your choice, such as carrots, broccoli, Cabbage, and Capsicum, this dish presents a beautiful harmony of flavors and textures. This beef and vegetable medley will make a filling and healthy supper for any occasion, whether it is cooked in a flavorful sauce or stir-fried to crispy perfection. This is a rich, nutritious dish that will surely please your taste senses.

Beef and vegetables

Beef and Vegetable is a Chinese recipe and This Chinese dish is served with Chinese rice. The taste is unique and it’s very flavourful. You can prepare this recipe for lunch and dinner or for any special guest.

Ingredients required for Beef and vegetable Recipe:

  • Beef: ½ kg
  • Vinegar: 2 tbs
  • Corn flour: 2 tbs
  • Soya sauce: 1 tbs
  • Ajinomoto: 1 tbs
  • Black pepper:1/2 tbs
  • Sugar: 2 tsp
  • Salt: 1 tsp
  • Ginger: 1/4 tsp
  • Capsicum, carrots, cabbage,cucumber:100 to 125 grams each vegetable
  • Oil: 1 cup

Cooking Directions for Beef and Vegetable Recipe:

  1. Combine ingredients including meat, salt, pepper, ginger, water, and cook. until one cup of stock is left after the meat is cooked.
  2. Remove seeds from capsicum and cut long pieces.
  3. Cut square pieces of onions and cabbage.
  4. Cut the carrot in a slanted direction.
  5. Heat oil and fry all vegetables one by one.
  6. Fry the meat in the same oil and then add the stock.
  7. Mix cornflour in ½-cup water and add vinegar, Ajinomoto, soya sauce, and sugar to it.
  8. Pour this sauce on meat and once it is thick enough, add vegetables.
  9. Cook for another five minutes and put out the flame.
  10. Serve with Chinese rice.

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