Coronavirus Symptoms, Cure and Remedies

Coronavirus is a new virus that has been identified in December 2019. The virus outbreak has started from Wuhan (China) and within 3 months the whole world has been infected by this strange virus.

What is Corona Virus?

The disease caused by coronavirus is called COVID-19. According to Health Officials, humans first get coronavirus from contact with animals then it spreads from human to human. Health officials do not know which animal humans got coronavirus. This disease basically causes respiratory disorders and affects the patients as it appears in different types of diseases. Some patients even face death due to these diseases. It is dangerous as it spreads speedily and gets transferred from one person to another.

Symptoms of Coronavirus

Corona Virus patients experience some of the following symptoms.

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Loss of taste and smell
  • Shortness of breath
  • Sore Throat
  • Muscle Aches
  • Body pain

How to Diagnose Coronavirus?

Coronavirus is diagnosed after 2-14 days of its exposure before that time nothing appears in the body it takes 14 days to show symptoms in the body. So it is hard to treat the disease or avoid its spread at early stages.

Only a laboratory test can confirm the diagnosis as early symptoms of COVID-19 are similar to flu or a bad cold. So we need to go for a physical exam if we have doubtful symptoms.

How Coronavirus spreads?

Coronavirus spreads very easily and speedily from human to human. According to researches, the virus spreads easily when an affected person coughs or sneezes. The droplets of his cough or sneezes do not travel more than a few feet so distancing is very effective to avoid the spread. It also gets transferred if the effected person touches another person’s hands, eyes, mouth or nose. So keeping a distance is the only way to avoid COVID-19.

How COVID-19 is treated?

As the virus is new and has spread vastly there is no specific treatment or vaccine found to treat COVID-19 till now. The patient is isolated first of all and is treated according to his symptoms. Most of the patients get back to health after the treatment only a few patients with a weak immune system or having diseases like Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiac disease mostly get severe results or death. Normally 97% of people get back to health after treatment.

Social Distancing is The Best Way to Stay Safe:

Staying at home not meeting anyone can save us from this virus. As to 14 days of its exposure, no one knows who is carrying the virus it works like a hidden enemy so we have to be careful with our meetings. Stop shaking hands stop hugging or touching people.

Best Remedies for Coronavirus or COVID-19:

  1. Drink maximum warm water. (According to health officials Virus stays in throat for 3 days if we take it to the stomach it gets dissolved because of acids and enzymes in the stomach).
  2. Take the steam of hot water regularly. (COVID-19 affects the respiratory system and steam helps to clear the entire respiratory tract so it is helpful to support lungs).
  3. Gaggles with warm salted water are also very much useful.
  4. Take maximum sleep and rest to improve your immune system.
  5. Coffee, Tea and hot soups are also very good.
  6. Take a small piece of ginger boil it well in 2 cups of water when 1 cup remains to add some tea and sugar to make ginger tea this is really good for your throat and cough and would avoid respiratory disorder.
  7. Apply toothpaste to whole your tongue till your throat leaves for 3-5 minutes then washes away do it before sleep it is highly beneficial in killing all the germs from mouth and throat.
  8. Take half a cup of warm water to add some salt in it and clean your nose with this water daily.
  9. Wash your eyes with clean normal water 5 times a day to avoid taking viruses through eyes.
  10. Put some detail in clean water and put it in a spray bottle to make a spray. Spray it all over your body when you come from outside. It would kill all the germs from clothes and hair.

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