Hair fall and Premature gray hair remedies

Remedies for Hair fall and Premature Grey Hair

Dry scalp makes dry hair. The dry scalp needs scalp health and moisturizing dry hair to prevent split ends and hair breakage. Premature greying of hair is caused due to low immunity and carelessness of hair care. We have developed a unique recipe to prevent hair fall and premature greying of hair.


The ingredients and application of the remedy are as follows.

1. Take 6 spoons of coconut oil

2. Take some curry leaves(curry patta)   

3. Add curry leaves in coconut oil and heat for 5-7 minutes

4.Strain the mixture and collect the oil

5.Massage this oil on your scalp and leave for 1 hour

6.Wash with normal water

Repeat this process twice a week.


Coconut oil improves scalp health and moisturizes dry hair. It adds lustre to hair and prevents split ends and hair breakage.

Curry leaves are a rich source of beta carotene and proteins. They also contain amino acids and anti-oxidants. Curry leaves help in removing dead hair follicles which are a major cause of dandruff and grey hair.

Combination of coconut oil and curry leaves is the excellent source of proteins, amino acids, and anti-oxidants. This oil provides excellent nutrients to the scalp and hair so results are marvellous. You can get rid of grey hair, split ends, hair fall, dandruff and itchy scalp.

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