premature grey hair remedies with AMLA

Remedies For Premature Gray Hair

Premature greying of hair is a common problem in young people. Extensive use of hair care products may damage hair and result in premature greying of hair. Now they require a natural treatment to deal with Premature Grey hair. We have found a natural ingredient with the right application and benefits to help young people to overcome Gray hair problem.


1. Take some Amla(gooseberry) grind well to make a paste

2. Apply this   paste on the scalp          

3. Leave this paste for 15-20 minutes

4. Wash your hair with Luke warm water


Amla is rich with Vitamin C So it helps to boost immunity, metabolism and prevents viral and bacterial ailments. Premature greying of hair is caused due to imbalance of pitta levels. Amla helps in balancing these levels. Hence regular use of amla paste would help in controlling grey hair problem.

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