Rice with vegetables

Rice with vegetables

Rice with vegetables is always a magical combination as usually, people do not like to eat a vegetable with bread but Rice with vegetables is always the first choice for children and adults. This recipe is a Chinese style Rice with a vegetable dish that is very healthy without any meat.


  • Rice 3 cups
  •  Onions, carrots, capsicum 2 each (finely chopped)
  • Green chilies 4(whole)
  •  Spring onions 4(chopped)
  • Garlic cloves 6(chopped)
  • Sesame oil 1teaspoon
  • Sugar 1teaspoon
  • Black pepper ground  ½ tablespoon
  • White vinegar 2 tablespoon
  • Soya sauce 3 tablespoon
  • Salt to taste
  • Oil 1cup

Cooking Directions

  1. Wash and soak the rice in finger deep water.
  2. Boil rice with salt till half cooked drain in a strainer.
  3. Fry onions in hot oil till they turn golden brown all over.
  4. Now add vinegar, Soya sauce, and black pepper powder.
  5. Add carrots, capsicum all finely chopped.
  6. Add green chilies.
  7. Stir-fry and add rice and one tsp sugar.
  8. Toss carefully to mix all up.
  9. Drizzle with sesame oil.
  10. Garnish with spring onions.

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